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Christ Testimonies: Clarice Le Roux

Some few months back, after I had first published the Le Roux Sisters, I contacted Nico Le Roux (dad), to thank him for the amazing public reach of his family. The Le Roux sisters jointly reached thousands of people since bringing voice to their journey and stories of inspiration via Heslop Sports. Nico then said something that pricked my interest immediately, he said that one day he would share Clarice’s testimony with me. Below is exactly that. What an honour to publish this amazing “Miracle Child”, during this special Christ Season, when the world stands in awe of the grace of God that brought the Miracle of Christ to mankind for redemption and saving!

Interview: Clarice le Roux

Clarice Photo Miracle4 with Nico

First Miracle.

When Clarice was about 10 months old we realised that she could not stand, walk or crawl so we took her to the doctor and soon we discovered that Clarice was born with a dislocated hip. (Right leg). Well from there it was faith, doctors and more faith. I was ministering at that time and all we knew was miracles and healings. It came to a stage that we had to trust the doctor also and so we did. At 18 months Clarice was due to go in for a big operation and she would get plaster from her hips to her feet. A friend of mine from Hatfield Christian church came to pray for her and while praying he saw in his spirit that the hip went into position.

I took her for x rays but everything was the same, her right leg was about 5 cm shorter than the left leg. Well the day of the operation arrived and what should have been a 3 to 4 hour operation only turned into 29 minutes, with no operation needed. Our GP came out running and told us before the surgeon wanted to cut he took both legs under sonar and pulled them together to see how much shorter the one leg was, when he did this the hip went into position. So no operation was needed but she had to get the plaster to keep the hip into position. After a few months when the plaster and all came off we took her back to the orthopaedic surgeon and he told us that everything was 98% in order, except the one leg was still about 2 to 3cm shorter. According to him it was normal and Clarice was due to get built up shoes for the rest of her life. When we came home that same day, Ansie and I took her into our small church where we had meetings. I then put Clarice on a chair and pulled her legs together to pray for her one leg to grow. Surprisingly the shorter leg grew so much that it was about 2 cm longer than the left leg. We trusted God for the legs to be even so the other leg aligned 100% and the miracle of this miracle child was there. Both legs was and is the same length until today. What a miracle.

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Second miracle.

When Clarice was about 3 years old (she only started walking at about 2 years and 8 months) we went to my brother’s farm at Thabazimbi with friends on a hunting trip. The Saturday morning we enjoyed a nice breakfast and made the fire on its traditional place on the ground with stone around it nice hard coal wood from the Bushveld. After breakfast I went into the field to hunt. My friend came looking for me and told me Clarice fell into the fire so I rushed back to the chalet. What happened was, she was walking passed the fire where my wife was sitting a few meters away. My wife said it was as if someone had pushed her and so she fell into the fire. When she fell into the coals her first reaction was to push herself up and so she used her right hand to stand up but some coals were still hanging onto the hand and leg.

By the time my wife got it off, the hand was swolen like an adult’s hands and it was just raw flesh no skin and all the nails were off. We rushed her to the doctor about 30 km away. He cleaned her up and gave her stuff for pain so we went straight home to our doctor (who was involved in her hip). When he saw Clarice he said it was 2nd and 3rd degree burn wounds and that she needed to go into theatre so they could clean it and prepare it for skin transplant. When she came out of theatre the doctor said they needed to keep her at the hospital so they could treat her for infection and get the swelling down for the transplant. BUT THE BAD REPORT WAS: her nails was damaged so much it won’t grow and she wouldn’t be able to use any of her fingers because all the muscles were damaged. The leg would have a scar (mark) for the rest of her life…..

I said to my wife if God could heal her hip, He could do this also.  I requested that the doctor discharge her but he initially refused and eventually allowed us to take her and bring her back the next day for further observation. My wife and I felt pressed to pray  for her at home first. That same day my brother phoned (on who’s farm it happened). He said something like, “I pray that Jesus will come and visit Clarice and heal her”….  That night all the bandages were done on her hand and leg and she had her medication in for all the pain and we went to bed. Clarice was sleeping between my wife and I. YOU KNOW WE SERVE A GOD WHO NEVER SLEEPS. The next morning I woke up at about 5h30 to go to the bathroom.  I saw the bandages and tape on the floor and I thought it was a dream or a vision or something but soon realised it wasn’t. She was still sleeping so I took her hand but the bandage was off.  I took the other hand and realised it wasn’t this hand it was the right hand. And the bandage was not on her leg anymore. The hand that was 300% bigger the previous night, was exactly the same as the other hand and the nails were perfect as if someone just cut it. The fingers were normal size with a pink skin over the hand and the leg.

Clarice Photo Miracle

THEN SHE WOKE UP AND SAID: ” Pappa kyk hier ” and she was bending her fingers normally and just told us what happened “Pappa Jesus het vir my kom kuier, hy het die lappe afgehaal to vat Hy aan my hand en been en sê vir my Clarice jy is nou gesond. Pappa Jesus het deur die deur geloop en die vensters het nie gebreek nie. Toe Hy inkom en toe Hy uitgaan”. [Trans: “Look daddy, I can bend my fingers! Jesus visited me last night, removed my bandages and said ‘now you are healed'”.]

What she meant was that He walked through the windows without breaking it. “Nadat Hy by my was toe loop hy na sussa ( Simone) se kamer toe en kom terug en sê Simone is ok en dat ek lekker moet slaap want ek is gesond. Pappa ek het nie meer eina nie, kyk na my nuwe hand”. [Trans:”After He visited me he went to sissy’s room – Simone, came back and said that she was okay too and that I should have a good sleep because I was healed. Daddy my hand does not hurt any more – I have a new hand”.]

So I asked her what Jesus looked like and she said “I couldn’t see HIS Face, He had a big light in His face (must be the glory)”. Since then she said good morning to Jesus when she sees the sun in the morning, which surely reminds her about the light on His face. There are no scars left on her hand or leg, to show what really happened (only people’s testimonies).

What a God we served. Her testimony was used by a lot of preachers and myself and every time we tell this to people the presence of God is there. Out of this testimony thousands of people accepted the Lord as their Saviour.

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Clarice and I have put this together so you are welcome to ask any question.

I’m calling her my MIRACLE CHILD. She has a special gift and plan of God on her life. Whenever she pray for someone that’s sick they are healed. Jesus touched her life in a special way….

Be Blessed

Clarice and Nico

Interviews: Clarice Le RouxCarmen Le Roux; Carmen and Clarice – Thanksgiving 2015

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