Home Interviews Sports Swimming

Fresh & Hungry – Henré Louw

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Henré Louw is part of a host of young stars emerging from the Swimming SA system. He is talented an multi-faceted young man who excels in Open water and competitive swimming. He has proudly represented our beautiful nation internationally where he gained valuable lessons and life experience. His has a wonderful mixture of skill, pace and endurance in the waters.

When asked “Who are you”, he says: It is a difficult question to answer.  I see myself as a normal teenager who started dreaming about my career at a very young age as I want to represent South Africa on the highest level I will be able to go.  For this reason, I do have to make sacrifices my friends and family do not always understand or appreciate.  When going out, I must think what I drink, what I eat and how late I want to stay up in order to give my best the next morning in the practice pool.  But I want people to see this characteristics in me, and to make them believe they can dream big too, if they are willing to work harder than they play”.

Athlete: Bio / Stats

Name & Surname Henré Louw
Nick Name None
Date of birth 2002-02-10
Place of birth Pretoria
Current City Pretoria
Height 1,83m
Weight 69kg
Shoe Size 9
Coach’s Name Linda de Jager
Out of Country events/ meets Hong Kong, Cyprus, Doha, Mauritius, Mozambique
Secondary Sport/ sports Waterpolo
Favorite City Italy
Favorite Song/ type of music Ed Sheeran – Dive
Favorite Movie Kingsman the Golden Circle
School & Grade Afrikaans Hoër Seunskool Gr 9
Sponsors ARENA
Twitter and Instagram names, facebook name henre.louw
Web site https://kydrin.co.za/goals/view/399
Community / church projects involved in NG Kerk – Lynnwood
Parents Names, siblings Pieter and Lomé Louw (parents)

Older brother – Pieter Louw


Q: You are passionate and doing so well in your Swimming, tell me a little bit about how you started in Swimming and your journey in the Swimming arena up to now?

I started swimming when I was 11.  I was fortunate to do a TV program on Disney Channel with Cameron van der Burgh where I held his golden Olympic Medal.  This is where my journey and dreams started.  I had many hiccups on my way up to now.  I tore my ligaments and had fractures in my ankle after attending a trampoline party just before a big swim event.  My appendix needed to be removed also before SA Short Course last year.  Luckily incredible doctors crossed my path.  I will always be thankful:  Dr Stoffberg, Dr Mook, Dr Kelbrick, Dr Van Onselen and Physiotherapist Louis Olivier.

I must give accolade to coach Linda de Jager on this jouney of mine, she is the one person that takes all my nonsense every day!

Q: Who are you? 

It is a difficult question to answer.  I see myself as a normal teenager who started dreaming about my career at a very young age as I want to represent South Africa on the highest level I will be able to go.  For this reason, I do have to make sacrifices my friends and family do not always understand or appreciate.  When going out, I must think what I drink, what I eat and how late I want to stay up in order to give my best the next morning in the practice pool.  But I want people to see this characteristics in me, and to make them believe they can dream big too, if they are willing to work harder than they play.

Q: You have just done some international swimming. Congrats! How did you experience it? Lessons learned?

Attending the World Cup in Doha and Hong Kong made me realized very quickly that swimmers all around the world are equal.  To describe it better, I rode in the bus with all the top swimmers like Katinka Hosszu and Chad le Clos, Cameron van der Burgh and Sarah Sjostrom to the events. There is not a “better” bus for the “better” ranked swimmers.  I also realized my swim family is not only the other swimmers practicing with met at TUKS.  The swimmers mentioned above treat you equally and to any other competitor, even when you are much younger and less experienced.  I try to make a new swim friend at every meet or gala I attend.

Q: What is the highest accolade that you have achieved in Swimming and what is your greatest personal accomplishment?

I represented South-Africa in Mauritius in December 2017 in the CANA ZONE 4 Junior Open Water Swimming Championships where I won the 5km and 3km.  This was swimming with a view!  Our relay team also won gold.

Q: Would you like to share a little bit more about your faith journey and how it has affected your life / sports?

Sometimes you attend a swim gala or a meet and nothing goes according to your plan.  It is in these times you must remember it is not your plan but God’s plan for your life.  And everything always works out perfectly according to His plan for your life.

Q: What do you do to relax?

To my mom’s agony I do like square objects.  Watching TV, play XBox, lying on the sofa staring at my cellphone, I also watch movies with my brother and friends.

Q: In your opinion, what is the value of Education in a young person’s life?

Hard to believe, but there is life after swimming. For this reason one should never neglect the education given to you.  I do believe if the education system in South Africa can benefit all, we will be the top country in the world.  My father’s favorite saying is:  “You have two ears, and one mouth for a reason.”  Learn from words spoken by other.

Q: So, you are a brilliant athlete and academic– but name 1 thing that you suck at 🙂

I do struggle to be neat….. (My mom is going to love my honesty about this one).

And then hard to admit, but I suck at Monopoly!

Q: What is your personal favourite motivational quote?

I am not talented, I am obsessed – Conor McGregor

Q: What is your favourite Bible / Scripture quote?

Give God your weaknesses, and He will give you His strength.

Q: What’s your WHY ?  Why do you do what you do? What type of influence do you see yourself having on our nation’s and continent’s youth?

MY WHY: To worship God by the talent He gave me.

FOR THE YOUTH:  Never ever give up.

I am asked to swim the 8 Mile for CANSA at Midmar Mile 2018.  The reason for me saying yes to this project;  I am living my dream, and by swimming the 8 Mile I hope to put a dream back in another one’s heart to stay positive and keep fighting.  If you want to read more please go to https://kydrin.co.za/goals/view/399

Tannie Cresi, thank you for interviewing me.  I am still a no-namer in the sport, but people like you give me hope for the future as you believe in me!   Regards Henré

Thank you so much for taking this interview. We would like to wish you all the best for your journey ahead. We look forward to following you as you go from strength to strength. Blessings!

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