Heslop Sports » June 7, 2017

Daily Archives: June 7, 2017

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Catching up with Young Athlete: Jessica Jenkinson

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This Post is Proudly Sponsored by Wonder Towel – www.wondertowel.co.za – Eco-friendly Microfibre Towels for every occassion: #EcoFriendlyLuxury4Life

We first published Jessica, our youngest little athlete two years back in 2015 – she was excelling then, and has reached  even greater heights 2 years later. Still a champ. Still hungry to succeed. Still ambitious. Still with big dreams and still humbled and blessed be be alive and thriving, despite her medical condition. Well done Jess – we are watching this space for the future. SA is blessed to have young and up coming the likes of you!

Meet the Young Athletes: Jessica Jenkinson

Jessica Jenkinson Stats


Athlete: Bio / Stats

Name& Surname Jessica Jenkinson
Nick Name Jess
Date of birth 21/03/2017
Place of birth Springs
Current City Brakpan
Height 1.32
Weight 30kg
Shoe Size 2
Club Sunward Athletic Club
Coach’s Name Dino Thomas
Out of Country events/ meets None
Secondary Sport/ sports Tetrathlon, Laser Run, Swimming, Fencing, Netbal, Hockey
Favorite City Cape Town
Favorite Song Wilde Wilde Weste
Favorite Movie I am Bolt from Husain Bolt
School & Grade Grade 3
Sponsors None
Instagram names Face Book Page: Jessica Jenkinson (@JessicaJenkinsonBorntorun)
Parents Names, siblings Mark and Mariliza Jenkinson – Brothers, Juandre and Alrich Kotze

Athlete Update

Name & Surname Jessica Jenkinson
Since we last spoke, what major events have you competed in?


Gauteng East Championships 2016 (School Athletics)

Central Gauteng Championships 2016 (Club Athletics)

Gauteng East Championships 2017 (School Athletics)

Gauteng Championships 2017 (School Athletics)

Gauteng Laser Run Championships 2017

Gauteng Tetrathlon Championships 2017

South African Laser Run Championships 2017

South African Tetrahlon Championships 2017

Name some of your highlights in the above?


I won the Gauteng East Championships, Gauteng Laser Run Championships and the Gauteng Tetrathlon Championships. I received 3rd place in the South African Tetrathlon Championships competing in the Under 11 age group. Besides competing in the above championships which was life changing, I also made new friends that I will hold dear forever.

Do you want to comment of your progress so far? I am extremely happy and blessed for how far I have come and have gained invaluable experience form the larger events I have participated in.
What are big changes in your sport life that has happened since we spoke? Besides my sprinting I took up some new challenges during the year such as fencing and Laser shooting which forms part of the Tetrathlon and Laser Run portfolio.
What are your current challenges? Because I am so young my body is going through extreme growth spurts which mean I need to change my training schedule frequently to adapt to such changes.  As part of my existing heart condition I have an elongated, high lying aortic arch. This causes compression of my trachea and esophagus which at times make it difficult for me to breathe during longer distance running and training.

What are you plans for the new season / near future? I am currently on a rest break and will start my winter training program on the 1st of June 2017 once I get the clear from my Cardiologist. I will also be competing in the Laser Run World Championships in October this year. I hope to compete in the SA Athletic Club Championships in November 2017. I will be old enough to compete in the South African School Athletic Championships next year and my goal is to be one of the athletes selected to represent the Gauteng team. In short to do it all over again.
What are you most grateful for at the moment? I am grateful that I am healthy through God’s grace and able to be the best sports girl that I can possibly be.  I cherish every minute that I am able to compete as there will come a day that I won’t compete anymore.  Whether that day is tomorrow or 20 years from now, it will come and I want to make the most of every day I get to step on the track. I’m grateful for my parents who support I will always have and all the sacrifices they make in order for me to live my dream.
Anything Else you want to mention? Thank you to my athletic coach Dino Thomas, my fencing coach, Kyle De Lange, each and every teacher at my school, my family and friends for your support and faith in me. I feel humble and blessed to have you all in my life.

This Post is Proudly Sponsored by Wonder Towel –  www.wondertowel.co.za – Modern Microfibre Towels: #Luxury4Life

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